From Heartbreak to Happiness: How I Became a Bonus Mom to Miracle Twins

It's a tale of heartbreak and healing and one of my favorite stories to tell. Our love story began long before I met our twins' dad, and they were at the very heart of it. Our miracle twins, Evika and Elias, found their way into my life, and eventually, I became their bonus mom. This month our twins turned nine years old, which is hard to believe! I feel like I’m quite literally watching the sands of time running through my fingers.

Fifteen years ago, I experienced a heartbreaking loss when I was 18 weeks pregnant with my own set of twins. The preceding years were filled with pain and despair, as I’d lost two other pregnancies. Twins have always held a special place in my heart, and little did I know that fate would bring them back into my life in the most extraordinary way.

Fast forward to nine years ago, when I moved to Denver for a fresh start after living in Tokyo, Japan for almost three years. My divorce had just been finalized, and I was eager to rebuild my life. I found a multicultural church and decided to join their kids' ministry – the one that made me feel the most uncomfortable, given my history with pregnancy loss. But I was determined to heal, and I believed that spending time with children could help.

One day, a pair of adorable twin babies arrived at the church nursery. They were upset and crying, and I instinctively scooped them up, comforting and playing with them throughout the service. I couldn't help but shed tears of my own, feeling as if God had sent these sweet little souls to help mend my broken heart.

Evika and Elias became my little buddies, and I was their favorite person. (I’m clearly not biased. *wink ) I cherished every moment I spent with them, watching them grow from tiny infants into confident toddlers, taking some of their first unsteady steps with me cheering them on.

But then, they suddenly vanished, and I didn't see them again until they were older. It wasn't until four years later, when I began dating their dad, that our paths crossed again. Though they didn't remember me, the connection we had was as strong as ever. I could never have imagined that God's plan for me was to become their bonus mom, a role that brings me joy and fills my heart with gratitude.

Now, when I look at Evika and Elias, I see the Divine way in which God has restored all that I had lost. They are two of the greatest blessings in our blended family, and our lives are infinitely richer because of them. Our journey together is a testament to the power of love and healing, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for all of us. As their bonus mom, I am deeply and unconditionally in love with them.

From Sweet Babies to 3rd Graders


Evika and Elias: Sweet Babies


Elias [Ee-LIE-us] The Lord Is My God

Evika [eh-VEEKAH] One Who Gave LIFE to Everything


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