Our Story

Born Into Two Different Worlds

The two of us were born worlds apart. Literally. 

Meg was born Amish in Upstate New York and Kelvin was born on the beautiful island of Grenada, in the Caribbean. When Meg was 21, she was excommunicated from the plain circles that she was raised in. Then she moved to Japan. When Kelvin was 20, he left his new career as a school teacher on the island, and migrated to the United States to work as a missionary.

Our worlds fell apart at separate times when we both went through a divorce. We both took the time to focus on healing our hearts and raising our kids. Meg was a single mom for seven years, and Kelvin was a single dad for four years.

Unknown to us, our paths began running parallel to each other seven years ago when Meg moved to Denver from Japan and started attending the church where Kelvin served as an associate pastor.

In 2015, Kelvin flew to Uganda with the Hoffman Family Foundation to commission their preparatory school. In 2017, Meg’s journey took her to Uganda to paint a mural in the SAME school. We walked in each other’s footsteps, never knowing it!

In 2018, we met and became friends. We admired each other, but neither of us thought we’d ever date each other. 

Our worlds separated once again when Meg moved to Nashville. She would think about Kelvin and wonder if he ever thought about her. Kelvin would think about Meg and then try to forget about her. We both dated other people, but nothing worked out. 

A Pastor & an Artist Fall in Love

In the fall of 2019, Meg drove to Colorado for Fall Break. That’s when Kelvin took the opportunity to ask her out for coffee and we both went on our last first date.

Together, we created the space to become better friends, then lovers. Our values aligned, our hearts felt known, and we had so much fun together. For over seven months, we traveled back and forth between Denver and Nashville to see each other.

After six months of dating, Meg and her daughter Emma flew to Denver so we could introduce our kids to each other. Coincidentally, the world shut down the same week because of the COVID-19 virus, which gave us an opportunity to spend more quality time together.

In May, Kelvin flew to Nashville to propose to Meg. When he proposed, not only did he completely surprise her, but he did it in such a way that she felt honored by involving our families in the planning. He made sure that Emma would be present for the big surprise. Meg was so delighted to say yes and she couldn’t stop laughing with joy!

Our two worlds officially came together a few months later when we got married. In a special, intimate ceremony we shared our vows with each other and with our kids. You can read more about our wedding here.

We know that we’re not experts at love and we don’t have all the answers. But we are who we are today because of Love. Our broken journeys have been used as tools in our lives to make us better people, by the beautiful grace of God that works all things together for our good.

As we continue to blend our beautiful mixed family with five kids, we’re trusting Love to guide us. Our life together tells of the miraculous beauty that can come from choosing to open our hearts to a world outside of our own.

Video Replay of Our Love Story

The Wedding


“Above all, put on love, which binds us together in perfect unity.”

Colossians 3:14