Magic of Emotions

Every emotion counts! All your feelings are okay and you're a superstar for having them! This book helps you become a feeling expert. Through the different characters, you’ll learn about having different emotions at the same time. You'll see how emotions are the same, no matter where you're from, and it will help you understand what's going on inside you.

Some emotions feel great and some feel uncomfortable. There’s no such thing as a “bad” emotion. There are different ways to cope with your uncomfortable emotions, especially when they feel really big. 

Rock who you are! Don’t feel bad about feeling. It’s time to celebrate all your mixed up emotions!


  • The book helps children recognize and understand a wide range of emotions, enabling them to better identify and express how they feel.

    Reading the book and discussing emotions with parents can help children develop emotional intelligence, a crucial life skill that leads to more fulfilling relationships and success in various aspects of life.

    By learning to talk about their emotions, children can communicate their feelings more effectively with parents, caregivers, and friends, leading to better understanding and support.

  • The book encourages children to be proactive in responding to their emotions, helping them develop problem-solving skills and coping mechanisms to navigate various emotional situations.

  • Through discussing the book with their parents, children can experience a deeper emotional connection as parents gain insights into their child's feelings and experiences.

    The book's guide for parents offers valuable tips and insights on how to support their child's emotional development, promoting a healthy emotional environment at home.

  • The book introduces healthy coping strategies, such as deep breathing and creative expression, which children can apply in their daily lives to manage their emotions in a positive manner.

    By exploring complex emotions, children develop resilience and adaptability, equipping them to handle life's challenges with greater emotional strength.

    The book also emphasizes being present in the moment and accepting emotions without judgment, fostering mindfulness practices that can benefit children's overall well-being.

  • Children learn that all emotions are valid and acceptable, encouraging a more compassionate and accepting attitude towards themselves and others.

    By celebrating the diversity of emotions, the book empowers children to express themselves authentically and confidently, promoting a sense of self-worth and individuality.

  • The use of diverse characters throughout the book allows children to see themselves and others in the book, fostering empathy and understanding of different emotions across various cultural backgrounds.

“I just wish I had this book sooner… for my kids AND for myself!”

Erin Anderson

“This book sparks meaningful discussions and empowers children to navigate their emotions in a healthy way. It's a must-have for every classroom!.”

Nabila Abdelnour, Teacher Gifted & Talented PreK-8

“The emphasis on mindfulness and healthy coping strategies adds depth to this resource. An important tool for parents, educators, and therapists alike.”

Kristi Miller, Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor

Meet the Author

Meet Evika Belfon, a Caribbean-American magical black girl on a mission to celebrate emotions worldwide! Her love for reading and writing led her to pen a wonderful book all about feelings. Empowering kids like her to express themselves is her true passion, making each child's unique emotions shine brightly.

When she's not writing, Evika enjoys family time, unicorns (who doesn’t?1), yummy foods, and crafting heartfelt stories filled with emotions. Through her book, she hopes to inspire kids everywhere to embrace their feelings and be proud of who they are, unlocking the magic within each and every one of them!