What would happen if you just went for it?

Today has been one of three big “Super-Bowl-events” for our church’s outreach team, which my husband leads. Each year, our family takes part in the Thanksgiving Food Drive as we bond and serve our community. This year blew everyone away, with a record turnout of over 500 volunteers, generous financial donations, and over 1000 boxes of food packed and delivered to communities throughout our city.

After it was all over, Kelvin and I crashed onto our bed to take a breather and we started talking about the incredible things that happen when you just GO FOR IT. You stop trying to be perfect, you choose progress over perfection. You just go. Do. Post. Try. Fail. Jump. Learn. Go again. 

Seven years ago, I was jumping in and taking on a small business no one had ever heard of, with only 45 sales online, not really knowing much about marketing, but believing I could learn… 

We were one of the first small businesses to immediately embrace live videos as soon as they came out. We were called “early adopters”. We gained unbelievable traction within months with tens of thousands of views, going viral, getting invited to New York Fashion Week, getting featured on FOXBusiness news, working with Paris Vogue, being in The Magnolia Journal, and so much more. Within 36 months of jumping in, this little company had customers from all over the world and seven figures in sales. 

All because I jumped. Jumped and learned as I went live. Learned as I posted. Learned as I pitched to media companies knowing NOTHING about PR. Learned as I downloaded a new app. Learned as I made mistakes.

If I had spent months perfecting my skillset before just leaping, we would’ve never had that kind of growth and traction. My skillset developed AS I WENT. 

Earlier this week I read a Rumi quote that stayed with me: "As you start to walk on the way, the way appears." As it continued to echo in my mind,  Holy Spirit nudged me with a Proverb, “A man’s/woman’s gift will make room for them and bring them before great kings."

When we dare to take that first shaky step towards what we're passionate about, it’s like God designed the universe to respond to our action — a road begins to be paved in front of us, doors start to open, and divine appointments begin taking place. The author of Proverbs isn’t just talking about our God-given talent making a little space, like a little pat on the back. It’s about our gifts blasting open doors, changing the world around us for the better, and pulling up seats for us at tables we never imagined we’d sit at.

You and I were made for a purpose. We have work to do.

When you step out, the ground will rise to meet your feet. And before you know it, you're not just walking paths but blazing trails.

What could happen if you just started? What if you left the classroom and started learning as you go? 

Often nothing changes or grows unless you take a leap. 

Go for it.


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