Hope for Children After Divorce


It’s true. All of the books and classes tell you how a broken marriage or relationship can hurt a child—for the rest of their life. It’s something they never “get over”.

Children battle the pain of insecurity, anxiety, doubts, fear, distrust, and much more when a relationship or marriage ends. In their eyes, love is broken. 💔

Breakups suck! They just do. But in some cases, they might be necessary or unavoidable. It happens. We all go through something painful or traumatic at some point in our lives.

Whatever the reason for a divorce, good or bad, our children are the ones who suffer. And they will need lots of love, patience, resources, and therapy to recover.

Thankfully, the grief and pain of divorce or a broken relationship doesn’t have to define a child’s future in a blended family or if you choose to remain single. There is so much hope!

If a broken marriage hurts your children, then a healthy relationship or marriage can help to heal them and restore the way they see love. We get to witness this healing process with our children in our home.

Children thrive in homes that foster love, stability, safety, security, care, and playfulness. They feel secure when a marriage is prioritized. Children grow when parents are happy and committed to each other. The more mom and dad display their love to each other in visible ways, the more love is redeemed in a child’s eye.

If you are a single parent, your child’s emotional well-being will be nurtured when you love and care for yourself. Your children are not responsible for your healing—you are responsible to help facilitate theirs. Don’t stay stuck in victimhood. The more you heal and love yourself, the more you will have the capacity to create a healthy environment for your child to heal in.

There’s hope! What has helped you or your children? Drop a comment below to share about your healing process.


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